Sony NEX-5 with Celestron C8-SGT Telescope

Sony NEX-5 with Celestron C8 SGT Telescope
Several people asked about the setup that was used on our NEX Astrophotography post. razor2277 posted his setup which is a NEX-5 used on a Celestron C8 SGT Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope.
Here is what is needed to get beautiful photos of our universe and beyond...
- Celestron C8-SGT (Item # 11026-XLT) w/ dew shield (Item # 94009) and AC power supply (Item # 18778)
- Celestron Universal Piggyback Mount (for mounting camera on top with regular lenses) - Item # 93609
- Celestron T-Adapter, (C5, 6, 8, 9-1/4, 11, 14) - Item # 93633-A
- KiwiFotos T-Mount Adapter LMA-TM_EM For Sony aNEX Cameras
- Celestron f/6.3 Reducer/Corrector - Item # 94175
so the T-Mount adapter is what attaches to the camera. The T-Adapter is what attaches to the telescope. The 2 adapters have threads to connect them togethe for prime focus. I also use a reducer which brings the aperture down to f/6.3 from f/10, and increases the FOV from 2000mm to 1280mm. So in the order from scope to camera, it is scope->reducer->T-adapter->T-mount->camera.

Hey thats a great set up and your shots are amazing. I have almost the same set up. An 95 8" SCT and a sony nex 5 and am wondering what kind of adapters you use to mount to telescope as I want to try. feel free to email me at if you get a chance I would really appreciate it.