Mountaineering with the Sony A7s with Zeiss 24-70mm FE by burnymeister

Sony A7s with Zeiss 24-70mm FE by burnymeister @24mm, Aperture: f/8, ISO 25600, 20s Shutter Speed Vern D took his Sony A7s and Zeiss 24-70mm FE OSS on a mountaineering adventure. The A7s low light capability counteracts the Zeiss 24-70mm maximum aperture of f/4. The max aperture is at f/4 in order to keep the Zeiss 24-70mm as a small and light package. Vern's lightweight full frame kit went to Mount Woolley, Diadem, Little Alberta and Mushroom Peak providing excellent images day or night. Sony A7r with Zeiss 24-70mm FE OSS Lens See more of Vern Ds photos below.