NEX-7 with Speed Booster vs Nikon D600

Sony NEX-7 with Speed Booster vs Nikon D600 TheCameraStoreTV posted their hands on video with the Metabone Speed Booster for NEX cameras. They used the Canon EOS to NEX Speed Booster lens adapter on the NEX-7. In the video they compare the NEX-7 and the Nikon D600 , a full frame camera, to see if there are perceptible differences. They used a Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM lens on both cameras. The exposures were set to be equal at ISO 200 and aperture set at f/8. The NEX-7 with the Speed Booster registered and aperture of f/5.6 due to the full stop of light from the adapter. The D600 registered f/8. The image above is a side by side comparison at 400% enlargement. Would you be able to tell the difference? Check out the full hands on video with the Speed Booster below. Metabones Speed Booster Review by TheCamaeraStore Thanks Jordan and TheCamerStore ! The Metabones Speed Booster can be found here .