NEX-5N with Zeiss Contarex 115mm Tessar
Here is Brian T's Sony NEX-5N with a Carl Zeiss Contarex 115mm f/3.5 Tessar macro bellows lens. The lens was produced between 1962 and 1972 and only 1500 were made. A Contarex to NEX E-mount adapter was used.
from Brian:
Surprisingly, it's pretty easy to hand hold with the bellows attached, holding the bellows in the left hand, and the camera in the right. It's super easy to focus using the bellows adjustment or on the lens. The bellows also pretty much removes the need for a tripod, as you can just support it on anything available for stabilization.
NEX-5N with Zeiss Contarex 115mm f/3.5 Tessar
Thanks Brian!
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